Double Glazed Windows
Here at S&T Glazing, we specialise in the delivery of hard-wearing and reliable double glazing for all kinds of properties. Across the UK, more business and homes are choosing to take advantage of double glazing. These windows can provide a range of advantages to all kinds of buildings. If you want to take advantage of these great benefits, get in touch with our team of glazing specialists today.
Double Glazed Windows for Homes and Businesses
Over the years, the S&T Glazing team has worked to provide comprehensive double-glazing units for all kinds of properties. The complete units that we can provide are designed to offer a long-term and reliable service. These cost-effective solutions can provide a complete range of benefits when compared to single glazed alternatives.
Double-glazing is simply two panes of glass, rather than one. These glass panels are separated by a small empty space. This space of trapped air provides an additional barrier against the transfer of heat through the window. Single glazing units are composed of a single pane of glass, and nothing else. As such, they are ineffective when it comes to containing heat and prevent cold air from entering your building.
What are the Benefits of Double Glazed Windows in the UK?
Double-glazing window units are ideal for all kinds of properties. They can provide a complete range of benefits when compared to single glazing units. Just some of these benefits can include:
- Increased Heat Insulation – Double glazing units are used primarily for their insulation. These windows are much more effective in terms of insulation than single-glazing models. By creating a more effective insulation solution, you’ll be able to create a more comfortable environment. Additionally, this heat insulation will prevent unpleasant draughts of cold air in your home or business.
- Energy Efficient – Double glazing units are more energy efficient that single glazing alternatives. As they prevent hot air from escaping, these window units can help your space to reach the ideal temperature much quicker. This will make your building cheaper to heat, even in large commercial spaces.
In addition to saving you money, these solutions will also work to reduce your carbon footprint. Double glazing units are perfect if you want to save money and reduce your property’s impact on the environment.
- Improved Sound Insulation – The double-glazing window units that we can provide will also improve the sound insulation of your property. These glass panes, and the space between them, will lessen the amount of noise you have to hear. This works both ways, helping you to avoid noise from outside, but also preventing noise from your space leaking into the street.
- Reduces the Condensation – As these units are made of two pieces of glass, you won’t have to deal with condensation on the inside of your property. This can prevent cold air and moisture from affecting your interior.
How Much Could Double Glazed Windows Save Me?
The amount of money you’ll save on heating will depend on the quality of your double glazing. These units are graded depending on their quality and energy efficiency. For example, with B-Rated glass, you could save between £75 and £100 every year. A-Rated glass could save somewhere between £85 and £110 a year.
Barring any accidents, a double-glazing unit should remain in pristine condition for at least 20 years. As such, you should be able to save at least £1,500 to £2,200 throughout the windows lifetime.
Are Double Glazed Windows More Secure?
Double-glazing is much more difficult to break than single glazing. These panes are not only reinforced, but as there are two of them, it is extremely difficult to break at once. This can not only improve the security of your property, but it can avoid a variety of irritating problems. For example, stray footballs won’t break through your window. At worst, they’ll damage one pane without breaking the other.
For Hard-Wearing Double Glazed Windows, Get in Touch with S&T Glazing Today
Here at S&T Glazing, our experienced team can provide a comprehensive range of double-glazing units for use in all kinds of properties. Homes and businesses have all started to realise the practical benefits of double glazing and even triple glazing. Over the years, these units will save thousands of pounds, in addition to making your property much more comfortable.
Our experienced team can deliver a comprehensive range of double glazing services to suit your property. In addition to installation, we can also perform maintenance and repairs on all kinds of damaged units. Where required, we can even provide replacement services for all damaged window units.
Whatever kind of window unit you’re looking for, our team are here for you. For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced team today. You can reach us directly by calling us on 01535 680 894. If you prefer, you can also send any questions or concerns that you have to our professional team via our simple online contact form at the bottom of our site.

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