24 Hour Emergency Service

We provide a 24Hour service with a one hour rapid response time and no call-out charges.
We understand the impact broken and damaged glass has on your business or home.
Damaged or unsafe glass poses health and safety and security issues therefore requiring immediate attention. Our rapid response service will provide you with a cost-effective, hassle free and effective solution.
Even the quickest glazier will need time to prepare your replacement glazing unit. In the meantime, boarding up the window secures your property against those who might take advantage, and keeps out the wind and weather. It also gives you time to consider your replacement glazing options, so you won’t be rushed into making a decision you’re not sure of.

CALL US NOW ON: 01535 680 894
When our workmen board up your broken window, they’ll also take measurements to provide you with a free quote for replacement glazing. There’s no obligation for you to go further with us, but by doing the calculations at this stage, we can offer next-working-day replacement on most types of glass.
Insurance Approved
We are authorised and approved by all major insurance companies. We offer a cost effective hassle free rapid response service
Unit 1,
Prospect Works,
Airedale Road,
West Yorkshire,
BD21 4LW
Opening times:
Mon -Thurs 7.30am-4.30pm, Fri 7.30am-3.00pm Tel: 01535 680894 | Fax: 01535 603718 | Email: sharon@sandtglazing.co.uk